09/02/2009 12:02
Tom Cruise tips the hotel worker 5 000 dollars
«I have done nothing special to be left such a lavish tip. Everything was as usual. The staff took to the room mineral water and fruits. As a speciality I can mention only fresh flowers in the room», the hotel employee confessed. Maybe this was the very reason why the guest left the hotel room maid a tip of 5 000 dollars.
The white smile Hollywood star Tom Cruise tipped 5 000 dollars in one of Moscow hotels, smi.ru reports.
Afterwards he left Russia for Madrid leaving ahead a great number of fans delighted by his charm and generosity.
«We have had lots of stars among our guests. However, none of them has left such lavish a tip. Surely, Tom will not hear this, anyway, we express our deep gratitude to him», the hotel employees told the source.