09/02/2009 11:29
Vic Darchinyan wins the fight vs. Jorge Arce
The fight between the world boxing champion Vakhtang Darchinyan and Mexican famous boxer Jorge Arce took place in the USA. Vic Darchinyan had promised a highlight and he won.
During the whole fight the Armenian boxer was in lead.
The Mexican boxer was comparatively active in the third round. However, at the end of the 4th round Darchinyan managed to knock down Arce.
«He surprised me. I didn’t expect him to hold the fight the way he did. Arce proved to be a good boxer. I knocked him several times, however, Arce held on struggling», after the fight the «Raging Bull» said about his adversary.
In the 11th round Vakhtang knocked Arce’s eye to blood. Just before the final round the doctor urged to stop the fight as the Mexican fighter could no longer hold on. With regard to this Vakhtang Darchinyan noted: «I wanted to finish the fight by a knock out, if the fight hadn’t been stopped, I was likely to have it».