06/08/2009 19:13
The markets are almost empty while the streets are full of goods
What is the reason that the agricultural provisions are almost empty and out of markets or on the streets there are some medieval markets where everything is sold in insanitation. Armen Poghosyan the president of the consumers association, said “We realize that there are concrete interests. The trade made on the street is not taxed officially. Measures should be undertaken to move the street trade to the markets.”
One of the ways for solving the problem the speaker mentioned the selling of the provisions in the supermarkets and the reducing of the tax of the place in the markets.
The speaker mentioned that the taxing near the markets is not taken officially and it goes to the pockets of some individuals, and from the place taxes of the markets they have to pay.
But according to A. Poghosyan progress can be noticed in the system of organizing the selling process and the way of treatment and reminded how the shop assistants and the waiters were treating the people during the Soviet times.
“As for the quality of the food our examinations show that there is an improvement in this sphere. The dairy produce, the meat, beer, minerals are competitive”,- assured the president of the consumers union.