06/02/2010 11:29
“Shanghai EXPO 2010” the day of Armenia celebrated
Since May 1 to October 31, 2010 in Shanghai city of China will be held “Shanghai EXPO 2010” exhibition titled “Prosperous city, prosperous life” on which will take part also Armenia. The national operator of the exhibition is “The Armenian Development Agency”.
At present they are actively getting ready for the presentation day. Lusine Tumanyan the head of ADA export promotion department informed Aysor.am that on the exhibition the country gets the opportunity to present his culture, economic and mental potential, and history. During the exhibition on September 21 will be celebrated the National Day of Armenia.
“It’s an international exhibition in the frameworks of which will take place also a series of economic events”, - L. Twumanyan mentioned.
She noted that the Armenian pavilion is going to have its commercial place where will be presented and sold Armenian products. During the 184 days of the world’s biggest exhibition there will be organized many performances of different cultures, more than 20 thousand events, around 200 thousand visitors per day.