06/07/2010 12:05
Postbanking services in Haypost
A new phase of modernization and introduction of new services into Armenia's national postal operator “Haypost” CJSC has been initiated by “Haypost Trust Management”, the Trust Manager of Haypost. Apart from the traditional postal services offered in the branches, postbanking services as well as fax, photocopy, printing and internet services will be available to the public. The new phase kicked off on July 2nd with the opening of Haypost's newly renovated and modernized branch no. 19 located at 23 Baghramyan Avenue.
Within the framework of the Cooperation Agreement between “Converse Bank” CJSC and “Haypost” CJSC the following postbanking services will be offered in the branch:
ü Saving accounts and Deposits;
ü Foreign currency exchange;
ü Cash operations;
ü Money transfer with fast transfer systems;
ü Provision and service of debit plastic cards: ArCa, MasterCard, VISA
According to the “Haypost Trust Management” program the company will bring the number of renovated and modernized post offices and postal branches to 250 within the next five years and expand the range of new services which are characteristic of a modern postal operator.