14/03/2011 13:38
Amber Tournament: Levon Aronian leads combined tournament table
Levon Aronian participates in the last, 20th Amber Rapid and Blindfold Chess Tournament in Monte Carlo, Monaco.
In Round 1 Aronian beat Giri in blindfold and rapid games.
In Round 2 Aronian beat Nakamura in blindfold chess and drew with him in rapid chess.
So, Aronian has scored 2 points and shares the 1st-2nd places with Grischuk in blindfold chess. He has scored 1.5 points and shares the 2nd-4th places with Grischuk and Gelfand in rapid chess. Carlsen is in the lead in rapid chess. He has scored 2 points.
Levon Aronian is leading the combined tournament table with 3.5 points. Carlsen and Grischuk are sharing the 2nd-3rd places with 3.5 points.
Aronian will play with Carlsen in Round 3 due today.