29/11/2011 16:14
P. Hayrikyan: ANC has condemned itself as main opposition
“ANC is to lose as it couldn’t get parted from its past: the leader of the ANC was to repent publically. They could succeed only in one case if they didn’t have a leader which is a symbol of vicious politics. He could have gotten rid of the “honor and happiness” of being that symbol, if he could publically apologize for the crimes he had committed,” said the leader of National Self-Determination Union Paruyr Hayrikyan at the press conference referring to the chances the ANC has at the upcoming elections.
According to the leader of National Self-Determination Union Paruyr Hayrikyan if the ANC wishes to succeed it should leave aside Levon Ter-Petrosyan as a leader who can work as a politician but not as a “symbol”.
“The ANC has condemned itself as a main political opposition. In just and multiparty elections it can receive around 25% of the votes. However you can change nothing with 25%,” P. Hayrikyan mentioned.