07/02/2013 17:00
Gallup poll: 24% of citizens assess economic situation as very bad
24% of our citizens assess the country’s economic situation as very bad, according to a public opinion poll conducted in Armenia by Gallup International Association Office in Armenia on February 2-5.
35% of respondents said Armenia’s economic situation is bad, 6% said it is medium-level. Only 3% assessed it as satisfactory.
When asked the question about material conditions of their family, 60% assessed these conditions as medium-level, 21% - as bad, 9% - as very bad, and only 9% were satisfied with their material conditions.
In response to the question “Your material conditions are likely to improve or worsen later?” 40% said the conditions will remain the same, 21% said their material conditions will improve, and 13% said they expect a change for the worse.