03/11/2018 12:30
Alec Baldwin charged with assault over parking dispute in New York
US actor Alec Baldwin has been charged with assault in New York City after allegedly punching a man in a fight over a parking spot.
He left a police station in the city after being ordered to appear in court on 26 November.
This is not 60-year-old Mr Baldwin's first run-in with the law - in 2014, he was arrested for disorderly conduct.
The actor starred in the movie Hunt for Red October and more recently in TV shows 30 Rock and Saturday Night Live.
The alleged altercation occurred in the West Village area of Manhattan on Friday.
Police told US media the actor had claimed his family member had been holding a spot for his Cadillac Escalade SUV when a man driving a Saab station wagon swooped in and took it.
Police say the two men were arguing and pushing each other before Mr Baldwin swung at the 49-year-old man, who was taken to hospital with jaw pain.
After he was charged with misdemeanour assault and harassment, Mr Baldwin denied that he had hit anyone.
"The assertion that I punched anyone over a parking spot is false. I wanted to go on the record stating as much," he tweeted.