10/12/2018 16:25
Early elections democratic in their form not content: Republican party issues statement
The Republican Party of Armenia has released a statement about the early parliamentary elections in Armenia, describing them as democratic in their form but not content.
“The elections passed in conditions of intolerance, tough pressures on the candidates and their associates, heads of self-governmental bodies, hate speech, unprecedented use of administrative resources,” the statement reads, expressing regret that the campaign created such deep dividing lines in the society.
“We wish success to the forces that passed to the parliament and the newly formed government as from it depends the security and development of our country,” the statement says, adding that the concerns voiced during the campaign were not of propaganda nature but expressed the party’s deepest disagreement with the foreign, security and defense policy, social-economic tendencies and Karabakh conflict settlement approaches. “We will continue our work in these directions as an extra parliamentary force,” the statement says.
“The domestic political completion must not encourage the enemies of Armenia and Artsakh. Irrespective of all disagreements the Republican stays committed to the solution of the issues of our people and will continue standing by the side of our glorious Armed Forces,” the statement runs, expressing gratitude to all the supporters who trusted and gave votes to them in such difficult conditions.
“Be sure, we will do everything depending on us not to allow populism noise silence your voice,” the statement says.