23/07/2019 14:35
Armenian authorities must not interfere into domestic political life of Artsakh: expert
Aysor.am has conducted interview with ex-chairman of the Artsakh’s parliament’s foreign committee, political analyst Vahram Atanesyan about the domestic political processes in Artsakh.
- Active domestic-political processes are taking place in Artsakh. Do you consider such activeness by political forces normal, or there is a need to display restriction?
- When last year Bako Sahakyan stated about not participating in presidential elections the political forces received an opportunity for self-manifestation. Before it they hesitated due to the commitment to support the authorities they assumed still in 2007. But the wish is one thing, the opportunity another. There is one political force to claim for presidential post – Free Homeland party. The others cannot create alternative separately thus they state about unwillingness to start processes early. Nothing extraordinary takes place. It is an accepted thing to state about political goals before elections, for instance in the USA. We must become the bearers of this new political culture.
- Names of possible candidates are being circulated currently. The final candidates will be known in fall. Over which candidate do you expect consolidation?
- We have passed this phase. For 12 years four parties were the political basis of Bako Sahakyan. The president himself does not represent a party. Such consolidation was justified. The next president will be from a party. In such situation it is difficult to combine programs, approaches. There is an issue of political weight. Why the leading force must share its resource with another party whose rating is 5% or less?
- On these days it is being widely spoken about former commander Samvel Babayan and the signature gathering, Babayan does not exclude reaching the goal through street protest actions. Are people of Artsakh ready for such scenario? Is this realistic way to solve the issue?
- Street actions will not solve issue, on the other hand we cannot ignore that for a part of society the former commander is a preferable candidate. Political solutions should be found as the legal regulation of the issue takes to a deadlock. If Supreme Court recognizes constitutional changes contradicting, what will follow it? The prospect is rather worrying. To avoid confrontation the National Assembly must create a platform for discussions involving non-parliamentary forces, NGOs as well to come to a mutually acceptable solutions. If 15,000-16,000 citizens see Samvel Babayan as presidential candidate a solution must be given to it.
- What role the Armenian authorities must have in the domestic political developments expected in Artsakh?
- Armenia’s authorities must not interfere into Artsakh’s domestic political life and must be ready to cooperate with the authorities to be formed by free expression of will of the people of Artsakh.