23/08/2019 15:08
Putin hands down orders to work on symmetric response to US new cruise missile’s test
Russian President Vladimir Putin has given instructions to analyze the threat level in the wake of the US test of a new cruise missile modification and take measures for preparing a symmetric response, the Kremlin’s press office reported on Friday.
The Russian leader stated this at a meeting with permanent members of Russia’s Security Council, which focused on this issue.
"Considering the newly emerging circumstances, I instruct the Defense Ministry, the Foreign Ministry and other specialized agencies to analyze the level of the threat, which the above-mentioned US moves are creating for our country, and take comprehensive measures for preparing a symmetric response," the Russian leader said.
At the same time, "Russia is still open for an equitable and constructive dialogue with the United States of America for restoring trust and strengthening international security," Putin stressed.
The new missile test conducted by the US and Washington’s withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty were the links in a chain of pre-planned events, according to Putin.
"It is noteworthy that the tests of a missile with characteristics prohibited under the treaty were conducted just 16 days after the completion of the procedure of denouncing that treaty initiated by Washington," he said. "Apparently, that was not an improvisation but another link in a chain of pre-planned actions."
Putin also said that Moscow will not be drawn into the expensive arms race despite the US’ actions.
"As you know we have never wanted, do not want and will not be drawn into the expensive arms race that is devastating for our economy," he said.