14/09/2020 11:33
Over 38,000 children went to first grade today
This year the first graders went to school on September 14, instead of September 1 as usual, die to coronavirus.
The other students will went to school from tomorrow.
The study process must be organized in accordance with epidemiological rules.
In accordance with the set rules, before going to school the parents must measure the temperature and if it is above 37, the child cannot go to school.
The same procedure is being implemented at the school entrance. The students may enter the school only with masks, irrespective of his/her age.
The child must also have another mask with him to change the old one.
In each class the number of students must not exceed 20. The classrooms must be disinfected twice.
The school canteens will not be working and the students will not leave their classrooms during the breaks.