03/04/2021 16:23
Homeland Salvation Movement announces opening Demirtchyan street
Homeland Salvation Movement issued a statement, reminding that during the March 28 rally they announced about new phase of fight. It stated that in the upcoming days their actions will move to different settlements of Armenia.
The movement stated that from today they are freeing Demirtchyan street, adding that after the regional visits the dignified citizens will again return to Baghramyan-Demirtchyan streets.
The movement urged compatriots to self-organize in communities and actively participate in the meetings and gatherings of Homeland Salvation Movement.
“The people’s demand of removal of the traitor must jointly turn into people’s fight preventing new concessions and pro-Turkish policy,” the statement said.
The movement informed that on April 6 at 2 p.m. they will be in Sevan and invites the residents to the meeting in the square near Suren Zakaryan Cultural Chamber.