13/05/2021 16:41
Homeland party calls on national and healthy forces to consolidate to confront the security challenges in Armenia’s Syunik and other regions
The Council of Homeland party expressed its concern over the recent developments in Armenia’s Syunik as a result of which Azerbaijani armed forces have intruded into sovereign territory of Armenia up to 3,5km violating Armenia’s territorial integrity.
“Such pace of developments in Armenia is a result of defeatist policy carried out by incompetent and treacherous regime still considering itself to be the power in Armenia and which periodically results in state management and security crises as a result of which the country’s domestic stability is being violated creating new challenges in foreign political environment,” the party said in the statement.
It said that to confront the security challenges in Syunik and other bordering regions of Armenia there is a need of consolidation of national and healthy forces as well as soonest recovery and empowerment of the Armenian army as well as building new quality dignified relations with strategic allies and fraternal states.
“Taking into consideration that this weak and incompetent regime in any case is not able to carry out a policy that will ensure the vital interests of our state and the sovereignty, we once again express conviction that the treacherous regime does not have any future in Armenia and must be removed a day earlier,” the statement runs.